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Laid-open patent application number: Hei-6-18777 

Date laid-open: January 28, 1994 

Int. CI. 
G02B 7/73 7/09 
G03B 13/36 

Classification mark / Office filing number: FI 

G02B 7/11 B ; 
7/04 A 

Examination requested: Yes' 
Number of patent claim: 1 
(4 pages) 
[Continued to last page] 

Patent application number: Hei-5-65210 
Indication of division: Division of Sho-61-66553 
Date of application: March 24, 1986 

Applicant: Nikon Inc., No. 2-3, 3-chome, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, 


Name of inventor: 0. Wakabayashi, c/o Oi Factory, Nihon Kogaku 
KogyoKabushikiKaisha, No. 6-3, 1-chome, Nishi-Oi, Shinagawa-ku, 


Name of inventor: H. Miyamoto, c/o Oi Factory, Nihon Kogaku Kogyo 
Kabushiki Kaisha, No. 6-3, 1-chome, Nishi-Oi, Shinagawa-ku, 


Representative: F. Nagai, patent attorney 


[Object] It is tlie object of tlie invention to miniaturize camera 
body by securing inside lens barrel a space necessary for 
containing parts to be contained inside lens barrel while 
preventing lens barrel from becoming larger. 

[Construction] In a camera liaving a lens barrel 9 capable of 
advancing and retreating along the optical axis of the 
photographic lens 1, the central axis extending toward the . 
advancing and retreating direction of the lens barrel 9 is 
decentered in respect of the optical axis of the photographic 
lens 1. Parts to be contained inside the lens barrel such as 
the distance metering optical system 30 are contained in the 
space expanded as result of decentering. 

32 . ■ . 

Condenser lens 


Projector lens 


Lens' barrel 


(Claim 1] A camera having a lens barrel capable of advancing 
and retreating along the 'optical axis of a photographic lens, 
wherein the central axis extending toward the advancing and 
retreating direction of the lens barrel is decentered in respect 
of the optical axis of the photographic lens. 

[Detailed explanation of the invention] 

[Industrial application of the invention] The present invention 
relates to a camera having a lens barrel capable of advancing 
and retreating to the direction of the optical axis of the 
photographic lens . " . 

[Conventional technology] In a conventional camera of this type, 
a variable focus camera is known wherein the focal length of 
the photographic lens is changed by changing the extent of 
extension of the lens barrel in respect of the camera body. In 
such a variable focus camera, it is so arranged as to make the 
optical axis of the photographic lens coincide with the central 
axis of the lens barrel, and parts to be contained inside the 
lens barrel, such as a diaphragm/shutter or an actuator for focus 
adjusting mechanism, are contained in the spacing between the 
outer periphery of the photographic lens and the inner periphery 
of, the lens barrel. 

[Problems which the present invention intends to solve] In the 
above-mentioned type of camera, the diameter of the lens barrel 
has to be made larger in order to expand the space to contain 
parts to be contained inside the lens barrel; however, the parts 
to be contained inside the lens barrel are arranged only at a 
specific position on the outer periphery of the photographic 
lens; and accordingly, the diameter of the lens barrel has to 
be made larger only for some parts to be contained inside the 
lens barrel, and this creates aa unnecessary space af positions 

where parts to be contained inside the lens barrel are not to 
be contained. As the lens barrel becomes larger, the enlargement 
of the drive mechanism for advancing and retreating it to the 
direction of the optical axis of the photographic lens can not 
be prevented, and this becomes a great obstacle for making camera 
body compact. 

[0004.] It is the object of the present invention to provide a 
camera wherein the camera body can be made compact by securing 
inside lens barrel a space necessary for containing parts to 
be contained inside lens barrel while preventing lens barrel 
from becoming larger. 

' [Means to solve problems] Explanation will now be made in 
reference to Fig. 1 showing an exair¥>le of embodiment. The present 
invention is applied to a camera having a lens barrel 9 capable 
of advancing and retreating along the optical axis of the 
photographic lens 1. And the above-mentioned object can be 
achieved by decentering the central axis extending to the 
advancing and retreating direction of the lens barrel 9 in 
respect of the optical axis of the photographic lens 1. 

[Operation] A large space suitable for containing the parts 30 
to be contained inside the lens barrel can be provided on the 
side of the .decentered direction of the central axis of the- lens 
barrel 9 without enlarging the lens barrel 9. 
[0007] incidentally, in the foregoing paragraphs (Means to solve 
problems and Operation) , an illustration of an embodiment is 
shown in order to facilitate understanding of the present, 
invention; however, the present invention is -not thereby 
restricted to such example of embodiment. 

[Example of embodiment] Explanation will now be made, of one 
example of embodiment of the present invention by referring to 
Fig. 1 to Fig. 4. Fig. 1 to Fig. 4 show one embodiment of the 
present invention. In Fig. 1 showing a vertical section of the 

lens barrel portion, the principal lens 1 made of 3 groups is 
retained by a retainer barrel 3 wherein a helicoid screw 3a is 
provided/carved on the outer peripheral part thereof, and the 
retainer barrel 3 is screwed to the helicoid 51 of the shutter 
baseboard 5. The shutter baseboard 5 retains the shutter 7 at 
the rear part 52 of the principal lens 1, and the distance 
metering" optical system 30 to be referred to later is arranged 
in the retainer member 53 at the upward portion of the principal 
lens 1. . 

[0009] Inside the tubular shaped lens barrel 9/ the shutter 
baseboard 5 is fixed in unison therewith, and the helicoid screw 
91 which is provided/ carved on the outer periphery of the lens 
barrel 9 meshes with the helicoid screw 111 of the lens barrel 
transport tube 11 arranged on the outer periphery of the lens 
barrel 9. The rotation'of the lens barrel 9 itself is prevented 
by a rotation prevention member provided on the camera body (not 
illustrated) , while its movement to the direction of the. optical 
axis is made f ree^ and consequently^ as the lens barrel transport 
tube 11 rotates, the lens barrel 9 moves along the optical axis 
in association therewith. In other words, movement takes place 
between the retreated position in short focal length 
photographic mode (Fig. 1) and the extended position in long 
focal length photographic mode (Fig. 2). Incidentally, 10 shows 
a cover. 

[0010] There is also provided a coupler ring 13, rotationally 
movable around the optical axis of the principal lens 1, on the 
outside of the tubular part 54 of the shutter baseboard 5 on 
which the retainer barrel 3. is screwed. As- shown in Fig. 4, a- 
motor 15 having a gear 151 meshing with the gear 131 formed on 
the coupler ring 13 is retained by the shutter baseboard 5. 
Furthermore, a tubular cam 132 is provided on and in association 
with the coupler ring 13. 

[0011] In Fig. 4, the cam follower 171 of the lever 17, made 
rotationally movable around the rotation center 01 is engaged 
with the cam 132. At the other end of the lever 17, there is 

provided a pin 172 which made to engage with the engagement part 
191 of the lever 19 made ro. tatidnally movable around the 
rotation center 02. Here, the coupler ring 13, motor 15, levers 
17 and 19 comprise a scanning means 40. Also, the coupler ring 
13 has an engagement arm 133 provided in protrusion to the forward 
direction of the camera, and as shown in Fig. 3, it engages with 
the engagement arm 211 of the back adjustment ring 21 screwed 
onto the front plane '3b of the retainer barrel 3, and the rotation 
of the motor 15 is conveyed to the retainer barrel 3 via the 
coupler ring 13. The coupler ring 13, motor 15, and back 
adjustment ring 21 comprise the drive means 50 of the 
photographic optical system. 

[0012] As illustrated in Fig. 1 and Fig. 4, the distance metering 
optical system 30 is comprised of a light receptor -sensor 31 
fixed on and retained by the shutter baseboard 5, a condenser 
lens 32 which condenses reflected light onto the light receptor 
sensor 31 as explained later, a light emitter element 

33 fixed onto, one end of the lever 19 and a projector lens 34 
which projects the exit light from the light emitter element 

• 33 to the direction of a photographic object. As shown in Fig. 

3, the condenser lens 32 and the projector lens 34 have a pair 
of cutouts 32a and 34a on the periphery thereof respectively 
in parallel . Installation of these cutouts 32a and 34a is helpful 

• in making the retainer member 53 small and enlargement 6f the 
diameter of the lens barrel 9 is thereby restrained. In Fig. 

4, incidentally, the condenser lens 32 and the projector lens 

34 are illustrated in a round shape for sake of simplification. 
[0013] Also, as will be clear from Fig . 1 and Fig. 3, the principal 
lens 1 is mounted with its optical axis downwardly decentered 
from the central axis of the lens barrel 9. This is helpful in 
expanding the space for containing the distance metering optical 
system 30 while preventing increase of the diameter of the lens 
barrel 9. And the lighf receptor sensor 31 and the light emitter 
element 33 are connected to the autoihatic focus detection circuit 
41, the _light. emitter element 33 is so controlled as to emit 

modulated light and distance metering is performed according 
to the output signal of the light receptor sensor 31. 
This detection circuit 41 is connected to the computation 
processing unit 42 (referred to as "CPU" hereunder): which is 
connected to the motor -drive circuit 4 3 for controlling the motor 
15. Incidentally, the electrical elements of this detection 
circuit 41, CPU 42, and motor drive circuit 43 are also retained 
in unison on the shutter baseboard 5. 

[0014] The operation of the embodiment thus constructed will 
now be explained. In short focal length photography, as shown 
in Fig, 1/ the lens barrel 9 is in its recessed position inside 
the lens barrel transport tube 11, and the focal length is 
determined by the principal lens 1- As the shutter button {not 
illustrated) is half -depressed, the motor drive circuit 43 
starts working according to a. command from the CPU 42, the motor 
15 starts its rotation and the light .emitter element 33 emits 
modulated light by way of the detection circuit 41. In. Fig. 4, 
as the motor 15 rotates to the counterclockwise. direction, the 
coupler ring 13 rotates to the clockwise direction and the lever 
17 rotates to the counterclockwise direction. As the lever 19 
rotationally moves to the clockwise direction in association 
with the lever 17", the light emitter element 33 also rotationally 
moves to the clockwise direction, and the photographic object 
is scanned with modulated light via the light projector lens 
3.4. And the- rotation of the motor 15 is conveyed to the back 
adjustment ring 21 via the engagement arms 133 and 211, the 
retainer barrel 3 rotates and this' causes the principal lens 
1 to be extended against the shutter baseboard 5. 
[0015] The modulated light projected onto the photographic 
object is reflected and enters the bi-sectional light receptor 
sensor 31 via the condenser lens 32. The output from each of 
the pair of light receptor sensor 31 enters the detection circuit 
41, where the signal is processed according to a known method, 
and the -point where the output from each of the light .receptor 
sensor 31 coincides is judg-ed as an in-focus point and a judgment 

signal is output to the CPU 42. Thereafter, a motor stop signal 
is output from the CPU to the motor drive circuit 43 and the 
motor 15 is stopped. Thus, the extension of the retainer barrel 

■ 3 is stopped and the principal lens 1 is controlled and comes 
into focus according to the distance to the photographic object. 
[0016] In succession, according to a drive means (not 
illustrated) , the lens barrel transport tube 11 with the rotating 
lens barrel 9 is extended to the camera/ s forward direction aloag 
the optical axis, a secondary lens 23 is inserted to the rear 
optical axis of the principal lens 1, thus enabling long focal 
length photography as illustrated in Fig. 2. As is clear from 
Fig.. 2/ the drive means 50, coirprising the principal, lens 1 
comprising the photographic optical system, the. distance 
metering optical system 30, the scanning means 40 and the motor 
15, moves forward in unison, in association with the extension 
of the lens barrel 9, and hence the relative positional 
relationship among these elements and systems do not change. 
In long .focal length photography, also, distance metering and 
focus adjustment are likewise performed as in short focal length 
photography. In either case of short focal length photography 
or long focal length photography, it is so optically designed 
that the amount of extension of the principal lens 1 remains 

.the same in respect of the distance of photography- Consequently, 
the same cam can be used. 

[0017] As has been explained above, according to this embodiment, 
a necessary space for containing the distance metering optical 
system 30 is secured inside the lens barrel 9 by decentering 
the lens barrel 9, the lens barrel can be made compact, in- 
comparison with the conventional example where the lens barrel 
■•9 and the principal lens 1 are brought onto the same axis. As 
a result of this, the mechanism for advancing and retreating 
the lens barrel 9 to the direction of the optical axis of the. 
principal lens 1 can also be made compact, and this further makes 
it possible to make camera body compact. 

■[0018] According to this embodiment, the distance metering 

optical system 30 is contained in the space which is expanded 
in- association with the decentering of the optical axis of the 
principal lens 1 from the central axis of the lens barrel 9; 
however, the present invention is not restricted to this 
embodiment. In case where the distance metering optical system 
30 is not to be contained inside the lens barrel 9, other parts 
to be contained inside the lens barrel, such as tge shutter 
baseboard 5 for example, may be contained . inside the space 
expanded as result of decentering. The present invention can 
be applied not only in a bifocal length camera, but in a 
single-focal length camera or three- or more focal length camera, 
as long as the lens barrel advances and retreats. 

[Benefits of invention] According to the present invention, as 
has been explained so far, the central axis of the lens barrel 
is decentered in respect of the optical axis of the photographic 
lens, and consequently the camera body can be made compact by ■ 
securing inside lens barrel a space necessary for containing 
parts to be contained inside lens barrel while preventing lens 
barrel from becoming larger. 
[Brief explanation of the drawings] 

[Fig. 1] Vertical sectional drawing- of the front part of the 
lens barrel in short focal length mode in a camera in one example 
of embodiment of the present invention. 

[Fig. 2] Vertical sectional drawing of the front part of the 
lens barrel in long focal length mode in a camera in one example 
of embodiment of the present invention. 
[Fig. 3] From view of Fig; 1 seen from the line III-III. 
[Fig. 4] Drawing of the periphery of the distance metering • 
optical system 30, including a block diagram of the focal length- 
detection control system. 
[Explanation of the reference marks] 
1 Principal lens , 

3 Retainer barrel 

5 Shutter baseboard 

9 Lens ' barrel 

11 Lens barrel transport tube 

13 Coupler ring 

21 Back adjustment ring 

30 Distance metering optical system 

31 Light emitter element 
33 Light receptor sensor 
4 0 Canning means 

50 Drive means 

[Fig. 1] 

Lens barrel transport tube 

Lens* barrel 

Distance metering optical system 
31 (33) 

Light- receptor sensor 
Light emitter element 

40 . 
Scanning means 

1 ■ ■ . 

Principal lens (photographic optical system) 


Retainer barrel 


Coupler ring 

Shutter baseboard 

Back adjustment ring 

Drive means 

[Fig. 2] 

Secondary lens 

[Fig. 3] 

Condenser lens 

Projector lens 

Lens barrel 

[Fig. 4] 
41 • 

Detection circuit 


Motor drive circuit 

Continued from front page: 

Intl. CI. 
Identification mark 

Off:ice filing number FI 
7316-2K G03B 3/00 


Lens barrel transport tu"Be 11 

Lens barrel 
Distance metering optical system 3^^-^^ 

Scanning means L^%' 

^0 17|" 

Coupler ring 
Shutter baseboards 

31(33): Light receptor sensdr 
Light emitter element 


^/Principal lens (Photographic optical system) 

Retainer barrel 


Back adjustment ring 
50 Drive means 


it qi 
